In the digital era, screens have become an inescapable part of our lives, yet the toll they take on our eyes often goes unnoticed. Don’t let your eye health suffer in silence anymore; renowned neuro-optometrists, Dr. Appelbaum and Dr. LaPlaca, have a solution! With 25+ years of experience in patient care, they’ve curated an exceptional vision wellness program called ScreenFit, designed to combat the negative effects of excessive screen usage.
ScreenFit stands at the frontier of optometry, bridging the gap between technology and eye health. Designed to train and rehabilitate your visual skills, this revolutionary at-home program equips you with practical and applicable vision lessons. Whether you’re battling the signs of screen fatigue or aiming to prevent them, ScreenFit is the key to maintaining optimal eye health in the digital world.
This program is a wealth of knowledge and skills delivered through 30 days of expertly curated content. Over 30 instructional videos and practical exercises, along with printable resources, transform your screen habits and mitigate the symptoms of excessive digital use. Your journey with ScreenFit only demands 15 minutes of your day, making it the perfect addition to your busy schedule.
The value and transformation that ScreenFit offers are unparalleled. Their members have reported a reduction in screen fatigue symptoms in as little as one week, with continuous improvement following each lesson. These success stories are not just anecdotal but are backed by the robust expertise and innovative approach of Dr. Appelbaum and Dr. LaPlaca.
ScreenFit isn’t merely a course—it’s a step towards better productivity and quality of life. By enhancing visual efficiency, you pave the way for better performance in all aspects of your life, from work to leisure. In essence, ScreenFit is to your eyes what the gym is to your body—essential for maintaining health and vitality.
Don’t wait until your symptoms worsen. Take control of your vision health today, and experience the transformation for yourself. Your healthier, happier eyes are just a click away.