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Affiliate Disclaimer

Thank you for your interest in The Life Edge. One of our values at The Life Edge is honesty. Because we hold this as a major value we want to be transparent with you as the user. That said we at The Life Edge want to disclose that there are links to certain services and products that we at The Life Edge have an affiliate relationship established. Therefore if a purchase is made using the specific link, The Life Edge will receive a commission from that purchase. Note that if you click on a link to view a content creators book you will be redirected to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

The Life Edge is a continually growing site that offers more and more resources to our users every day. Because of this the list of affiliate relationships also continues to grow and would make it difficult to list them all in detail. As a user you can assume that most of the links that lead you away from our website are an affiliate connection and The Life Edge will receive compensation on any purchase made. 

The Life Edge offers many services and products that we feel offer the best value to our users. These services and products have been vetted to the best of our abilities to avoid any disappointing experiences. 

Please note that The Life Edge has not received any free products or services from any of theses companies in exchange for promotion. The Life Edge WILL NOT promote one service over another based on whether or not we have an affiliate relationship or better commission percentages. We believe it is up to the user to determine the right service for themselves to best fit their needs and personality. 

Thank You,

The Life Edge