Top 5 Productivity YouTubers

Top 5 Productivity YouTubers

Ever since the Industrial Revolution, it feels as if we are exponentially moving faster each and every day. Technology was supposed to help us slow life down by making us more efficient but what has it really done?


It made the world smaller. 


We are all connected in a way like never before. With the touch of a button, we can communicate with someone across the globe, access vast amounts of information, and conduct business transactions instantaneously.


This is because of tools like email, Zoom, social media, and more. But when properly harnessed, these tools can be a benefit to your life by turning you into an efficient productivity wizard.


So to help you develop this superpower, I have created a list of what I think are the TOP 5 Productivity YouTubers you can learn from on the internet right now. (In no particular order):

1. @lavendaire – Aileen Xu’s channel is a great place to start because her focus is on lifestyle design. She believes that your life needs to be organized with intention so that you are in control. Planning time to rest, go to the gym or even meditate so that you avoid burnout but ultimately live the life you want and at the pace you desire.

2. @aliabdaal – Ali Abdaal got his start as a Cambridge med student who was creating YouTube videos to help others study for their medical exams. Over the years he slowly became one of the leading experts in productivity. His channel now focuses on content covering evidence-based strategies and tools that can help you be more productive in your quest to create a life that you love.

3. @gilianzperkins – Gillian Perkins is a homeschooling mom of 5 and also runs a successful online business and podcast. Her content is great for entrepreneurs and small business owners. It is derived from the lessons she has learned by creating her own work-life balance. Gillian’s videos will help grow your business while also maintaining the flexibility and freedom in your schedule that you deserve.

4. @mattdavella – Matt D’Avella has an interesting approach to productivity. His content endorses the adoption of a minimalistic lifestyle (removing all the clutter in your life). From there, he offers an al la carte option for tools and strategies. He does this by documenting himself trying out something new for 30 days or more. This allows you to see his results and then determine if it is something that will be a benefit to your life.

5. @muchelleb – Michelle offers another unique twist on increasing your productivity by doing it in a self-compassionate way. She takes on the persona of a coach by how she shares the tools, tips, and strategies she uses to be more productive in her own life. She also has a great understanding of the seasonality of life. Michelle occasionally encourages taking a day to just reset and prepare for the next season in your own life journey.

Productivity isn’t just about checking off tasks, it’s about designing a life that aligns with your goals, passions, and values.


While technology accelerates our world, these YouTubers remind us that with the right tools, strategies, and mindset, we can navigate it with intention and grace.


Jump into these channels to find what resonates with YOU and then craft your own path to productivity. Then, share it with us so we can learn from it too.



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